And the Games Begin…!

The 2018 Winter Olympics flew by, it was such a crazy and fun last couple of weeks. I was in Salt Lake City for the Opening Ceremonies and closed them out in Lake Placid. Being in two places where the Winter Olympics were held in the United States during the games is an incredible atmosphere! The hosting cities are so special to all Americans, but the magic especially comes to life during the games. Although the Olympics are over, the Paralympics are about to begin and they are just as inspiring as the games that recently finished. During my time in Salt Lake City, I got to spend some time and get to know Bonnie St. John. Bonnie St. John was the first African-American ever to win medals in the Winter Olympic competition, taking home a silver and two bronze medals in the 1984 Winter Paralympics in Innsbruck, Austria. Her character and work ethic has made her tremendously successful and she is a true inspiration to everyone.  The 2018 Winter Paralympics will have 670 athletes from 80 countries. Compared to four years ago at the Sochi Paralympics, the total number of athletes has increased from 539 and the number of female athletes that are participating has been increased by 44 percent! This is an amazing improvement and I am so proud of the sponsors that support these athletes that represent their countries. These Paralympian athletes put on the USA sweater like any other Olympic athlete and symbolize what the American Dream really is, that anything is possible. This year has been a huge milestone for Gold Medal Strategies when we teamed up with Numotion as a spokesperson to help drive awareness for the CRT (complex rehab technology) industry. I thought there was so much I knew about the industry before we officially partnered; I was wrong. I have been fortunate enough to use my platform to help companies and charities that I truly believe in. Each day, I learn something new and inspiring and get to work with people who have overcome tremendous adversity. Numotion’s mission is to improve the lives of people with disabilities by enabling them to actively participate in everyday life – really making some of their customer’s dreams become a reality. Each story inspires me and reading some of the bios of the Paralympians preparing to compete are truly astounding. These competitors are some of the best athletes in the entire world. They make some of the most difficult sports look easy… and they are competing with a disability. Every athlete has their own story, whether they were born with an impairment or they are war veterans that are reinventing themselves after a devastating injury while serving our country, each competitor knows what it takes to be unstoppable. The Paralympics are a place where dreams are born for some, and become a reality for others. These athletes are inspiring the next generation to go after what they believe in and that anything is possible. Good luck to all of those heading over to South Korea and GO USA!!




The American Dream


Another Olympics Comes to an End