Bring Jim Craig to your event, to increase the visibility and credibility of your brand and add a new dynamic to the day! Jim is available for any of the following types of appearances.
Jim Craig remains one of the most iconic Olympians in U.S. history. Let Jim and his Gold Medal Team increase the visibility and credibility of your brand, corporate message or organizational mission. Jim can be featured across a variety of events and media to project, promote (or ‘market’) a consistent corporate message.
Jim has been the spokesperson for multiple companies, including W.L. Gore, Disney, Kellog’s, Comcast, Coca Cola, Allstate and Old Spice through the following media: Keynote Addresses, Media Interviews, Public Service Announcements, Kickoff Promotions, Web Advertising, Television Commercials, Radio Commercials, Youth Clinics, and Print Ads.
Panel Discussions
Bring Jim Craig or one of our Gold Medal partners to your panel discussion to engage in Q&A with your organization and attendees, where they will provide his unparalleled perspective on your topic of choice, share anecdotes from their athletic, business and personal experience, and engage with your audience in a fun and inspiring manner. Your audience will leave feeling educated and motivated from the thought-provoking discourse and interaction!
Jim’s ability to attract clients to your event is unparalleled. At your meet and greet event, Jim will sign Gold Medal Strategies-purchased memorabilia, shake hands with attendees, tell stories, have photos taken with guests, and socialize while discussing his experiences in the sports and business world.

Invite Jim to appear at your upcoming booth, and you are bound to have lines wrapping around the corner. While in the booth, Jim will socialize with your prospective clients, sign Gold Medal Strategies-purchased memorabilia, pose for photos and help you close deals!

Give your event attendees the chance to purchase Jim’s newest book, We Win! Lessons on Life, Business and Building Your Own Miracle Team (2020) or Jim’s first book, Gold Medal Strategies - Business Lessons From America’s Miracle Team from Jim himself. During this event, Jim will chat with attendees, sign the books they purchase, and pose for photos.

Having Gold Medal Strategies on your team means you have people working around the clock to deliver the results you want. If you have a vision or an idea, it is our mission to make it all possible. GMS encourages your team to be creative and work together to tailor an event that fits the needs of your company and industry. Anything is possible when you have people believe, work hard, and are emotionally invested in making a difference.
Examples of customized events we have brought to life for past clients:
Guest Keynote Speaker
National Sales Meetings
VIP Receptions and Parties
Key Customer Dinners
Golf Outings
Fishing Charters
Sporting Events