Miracle Motivation – Growth & Mentorship

“No one becomes a finished product. Be a lifelong learner, make continuous improvements in never-ending development to your standards, and find mentors who have been there to give you guidance and direction.”

This week we want to talk about growth and mentorship.

Right now, you may be feeling stagnant at home. Your personal and professional circumstances may have unexpectedly changed, you may have to figure out who you are all over again, you may be feeling loss over the way of life we had before all of these global shifts happened. This is normal. We are all feeling this shift. You are not alone. However, don’t let these feelings overcome you. Don’t give in to the fear of the unknown, don’t look at yourself as stuck, don’t get caught up by what you cannot do – focus on what you can do. Growth is always in our control. Whether it may not look the same as it once did, or it may be a different type of growth than we are used to, we have the opportunity to grow every single day – be it mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. But we cannot do it alone, and we don’t have to do it alone. Utilize the resources you have – the people around you, to help you on your growth journey.

This leads to our next concept – mentorship. Mentors come in all shapes and sizes, and at times appear in the most unexpected of places. There is no good or bad mentor, because all mentors teach us something. As we are spending more time at home and connecting virtually with loved ones near and far, we encourage you to spend some time thinking about the mentors in your life – the people who have influenced you the most. We encourage you to reach out to them, no matter how much time has passed, to reconnect. Tell them what you’re doing, tell them how you’re doing. Communicate how far you’ve come, or how far you want to go. If you don’t have a mentor already, take this time to find one. Identify the people who have accomplished what you seek to accomplish, who have traveled a journey you admire, who can lead you toward continued growth and keep you on track toward your goals. We are all in this life together, and we are all here to help each other make the most of it. Keep growing, keep learning, keep mentoring and being mentored. Life is about growth and learning who we can become – we can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Stay safe and believe!
Jim Craig


Miracle Motivation – Accountability


Miracle Motivation – “Be the hero of your story, not the victim of your circumstances.”